Saturday 2 January 2010

New Year Retreat at Balham

We arrived home late yesterday, having been at Balham, for the Youth2000 retreat, over the last few days. It was a wonderful experience to be among families, young people, priests, religious, parishioners, for the purpose of worshipping God, deepening our faith in Christ our Saviour and uniting ourselves to Him.
I heard one young man say that during some time spent with the Blessed Sacrament, (which is exposed throughout the retreat), he was able to recognise that Jesus was really present in the Sacred Host, that it was not 'just a piece of bread' . A young woman said that her degree in Theology meant nothing compared to the reality of Christ truly present in the Sacred Host, who loves us with a love beyond compare.
I am sure that many seeds were planted in the hearts of these and of all who came to Balham seeking  Christ, who Himself never ceases to seek for His children.

I managed to take a few pictures of the action, sorry they are a little grainy:

Fr. Stephen Langridge has also posted about this retreat (and with better photos!).

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