A little background to this post:
Recently, our younger disabled son became the owner of a new computer. This wasn't because we bought it for him, but because, under a government scheme, disabled children are deemed to be in need of better access to IT/computers etc. The computer comes with some specialist gadgets such as a touch screen, suitable software for games and some switches (which he can use) that would replace the keyboard or mouse (which he cannot use). The techie guy will visit next week to show us how install/use the specialist gadgets, which will be really great, as at present, we can't work them out!
I thought I should at least try to familiarise myself with the new computer, as far as possible, or at the very least, see if I could find my own blog on it.
Success! Here I am typing up this post.
Then, trying to access some of the blogs linked to mine, the computer came up with an
' access denied- Religion ' message for five of the blogs I enjoy!
These were:
Catholic and loving it
Curt Jester
Hermeneutic of continuity
What does the prayer really say
Inside Catholic
(Sorry I can't link them, computer won't permit)
Of course, I know our child's computer must have come with some sort of filtering program designed to block material unsuitable for childrens' eyes....such as religion(!)
......but how does it distinguish between, for instance, a blog named 'Catholic Commentary' (allowed) and 'Catholic and Loving it' (blocked)?
Or, Catholic mom of 10 (allowed) and 'Inside Catholic' (blocked)?
Maybe there's an award out there, for great Catholic blogs identified as being too religious for children!
The celebration of Christmas revives our hope
4 hours ago