Our eldest and youngest sons are home today, the elder because he doesn't go to to college on Fridays, and the younger because he isn't well enough to be at school.So the day started a little later for them, with a welcome lie-in, while we prepared the breakfast for the three who were going to school. The youngest daughter was quite excited at the prospect of spending the day at the Special school, where she will transfer in due course.
It's been a real blessing and a sign of God's Providence, that two excellent Special schools are near enough for our sons to attend daily, especially as one has a marvellous provision for students over the age of 19 years. Both sons love to get out and about, and this is a regular feature in their education programmes, which are designed to help them with daily living skills and independence.I believe our older son has visited pubs, shops and cafes recently, while the younger lad has been content with only visiting shops. Tesco's is particularly good for a visit, with it's wide aisles, bright lighting, appetising smells and helpful staff. It also has those special trolleys which clip on to the wheelchair, so you can actually collect your food as you go round. Our sons like to help with selecting the food........they are also very proficient at shelf clearing, with a sweep of the arm!
'Postman Pat' videos are much favoured by our disabled sons, so it was that in the hour between three and four, our Divine Mercy Chaplet was accompanied by the strains of 'Pat thinks he's a very happy man!'
Daily Rome Shot 1252 – Peace be with you (7)
2 hours ago
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