Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Therapy at Ealing

Just a quick note to advertise the next youth2000 retreat at St.Benedict's School in Ealing, London, from Friday24th April to Sunday 26th April.
Youth2000 retreats focus on round-the-clock Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Mass, Confession and healing. The retreats are designed for the 16-35 age group, though many families attend, as we do.
What draws us is the chance to leave the world behind and spend time with Jesus, present in the Monstrance exposed throughout the whole retreat. The talks are always excellent, challenging us to deeper conversion.
Here is the programme for the Ealing retreat; note that John Pridmore is speaking on the Sunday. He has an extraordinary
story of the power of God's grace in his life, and is a fantastic evangelist.

See you there!


  1. Wish I could be there: it sounds as though Ealing has made real progress since I was educated at St Benedict's under the auspices of, for example, Dom Edmund Flood. In fact I attribute my orthodoxy to teenage rebellion against Dom E. and his cronies, so I suppose I owe them a debt of gratitude, but they nearly broke my parents' hearts by their abuse of the trust placed in them..

  2. Welcome Ben!
    I don't know anything about St Benedict's school, but it sounds as if, in common with many Catholic schools, St. Benedict's was infected with the spirit of Vatican II !
