You can read the response of the Bishops of England and Wales
here. I am a little disappointed at its muted tones and apparent failure to reply to the several points made by the Holy Father.Silence is not always golden, how are the faithful of England and Wales to be assisted in understanding the content of the Pope's letter by such a response? I wonder, too, how many of the Bishops of E+W were actually consulted before this response was made public, in their name?
To date, two of our Bishops have responded individually; Archbishop Nicholls has made some more detailed comments
here, and below I have copied the response of Bishop O'Donoghue. Though it is brief, and doesn't go into detail, Bishop O'Donoghue's love for and loyalty to, the Holy Father, shines through. He unites himself with the Holy Father's views and assures the Pope of the continuing support and prayers of his whole diocese.
Statement from Rt Rev Patrick O’Donoghue, Bishop of Lancaster“
I warmly welcome this moving and humbling letter of the HolyFather and wish to echo his views as my own – that only in a spritof deep reconciliation and communion can we achieve the prayerof Christ himself – that ‘they may be one’.The Holy Father can rely on the love, support and prayers of theDiocese of Lancaster – as he seeks to bring unity to the Lord’sChurch in our time.”
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