Christ is Risen Alleluia!
I hope all readers have had a very happy and Holy Easter and that God's blessings may continue throughout this joyful Eastertide.
I have been very busy-no time at all time to post anything over the last week or so, or catch up on other blogs. I'd love to add that the busyness was because we all attended every Holy Week Mass, liturgy or service available as special effort for the holiest week of the year, but it was not so.
It seems God had a different Holy Week in mind for us.
Our eldest had a respiratory crisis in the small hours of Tuesday morning: gasping for breath, a grey/blue pallor hovering over his face.
The ambulance staff arrived very promptly with oxygen mask, suction kit, blood tests and heart monitor.They whisked us off to A+E where he and I spent the rest of the night: more blood tests, X-ray and various monitoring machines.
He was admitted to a ward and treated for a chest infection- antibiotics, paracetamol, physiotherapy and continued with the oxygen throughout the next few days.
And, thank God, the treatment worked!
So, we're home again taking special care of our eldest son who, we are advised, is at risk of further respiratory crises, owing to his complex disabilities and health needs.
Please remember him in your prayers, if possible, at Holy Mass.