Monday, 20 September 2010

Early fruits from Pope Benedict's Visit?

A commenter over at Damian Thompson's blog reports:

"Returning to our bus at Cofton Park we find that someone has given our driver a pile of commemorative Tablets to distribute. By the time he gets to the top deck our affable but somewhat puzzled driver is asking what is wrong with the Tablet as he cannot even give them away. Multiply that by 400 buses in each coach park"

Update: the link is now reset and the comment (above) can be found on the third  page about 3/4 down.


  1. The link doesn't work... please get it going because I'd love to see the quote (without trawling through Damian's madder commenters!)

  2. Sorry Mac,
    I have repaired the link so that's working but I don't know how to link directly to the page this comment is on- the nearest I can get is as per the update.Hope it will work OK this time!

  3. Our bumper bundle got left under our group leader's seat. Oops.

  4. I was on a bus from Wales and there were no Tablets in sight. Perhaps it was the pilgrims from the home counties that were a target readership?
