Saturday, 7 August 2010

Back home

The camping tour is over and we're  home again. After a  week-and-a-half  in France, followed by a family wedding in Yorkshire, we covered just over 1850 miles, stayed at five different campsites, one hotel, and managed to not drive on three days!
It really was lovely to go away somewhere different, a chance to take a break from the usual day to day routine, and to recharge the batteries.
My niece's wedding was a delightful occasion, a meeting of many different branches of the family united in the celebration of the sacramental union of two wonderful young people who now begin the great adventure of marriage. May God bless them.
And it's lovely too, to come home.

Now, I just have to try to catch up with news, events and things which have to be done......for instance, washing....lots of......and some more..