Tuesday 6 October 2009

My post about my son's computer....(2)

.....prompted my husband to suggest that we see whether the filter on our son's computer  will allow specifically pro-life sites such as SPUC, Lifesite news etc.

Perhaps my earlier post brought on a  computer/filter tantrum as it's refusing to connect to the internet at all !

One more question for the techie guy, tomorrow!


  1. I'm not clear ... is it your computer or your son's (the one with the filters) which refuses to get onto the Internet?

    It could be just a coincidence ... I can't see the two events as being related; although I'd be interested to hear what the techie says.

    Unless the filter is too clever and cuts out after a certain number of attempts to visit "banned sites". But no ... this is too sophisticated programming, I think.

    Gdo bless.

  2. Hi, I got to your blog through the Hermeneutic of Continuity, and have another award for you: both your blog and Hermeneutic's are banned in China (I did the test on Beijing, which probably means its banned throughout China, except possibly Hong Kong). Congrats!
