Tuesday 6 October 2009

C-FAM : Petition for the Unborn Child

Help C-FAM Gather 1,000,000 Signatures  

 This petition is to be presented to the U.N. at the next session of the General Assembly.C-FAM  is countering  attempts by Marie Stopes International to force recognition of abortion as a human right.Here is the link, and you can chooseto read the petition in any one of 19 different languages.

  "The right to life of every human being, from conception to natural death, each child having the right to be conceived, born and educated within the family, based on marriage between a woman and a man, the family being the natural and fundamental group unit of society."


 The reality of abortion is that the youngest and weakest humans can be killed by older, more powerful humans. It's the legalised killing of the defenceless.

Talking about abortion as a 'human right' seems puts it on a par with welfare benefits,  as  something to which you have an entitlement.

If the U.N. succumbs to pressure and lists abortion as a human right, entitlement  to exercise that right will emerge, against which a doctor/nurse's conscience ethics or beliefs will not prevail.

And fathers' interests in the child they have fathered will be completely subjugated to those of mothers who may excercise their 'right' to abortion along with their right to cast a vote, or claim sickness benefit.

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