Wednesday 17 February 2010

Holy Father: ' Witness Awakens Vocations'

From the Holy Father's message for the 47th World Day of Prayer for Vocations that will be celebrated on 25 April:

"It can be said that priestly vocations are born of contact with priests, as a sort of precious legacy handed down by word, example and a whole way of life."

"Every priest, every consecrated person, faithful to his or her vocation, radiates the joy of serving Christ and draws all Christians to respond to the universal call to holiness. Consequently, in order to foster vocations to the ministerial priesthood and the consecrated life, and to be more effective in promoting the discernment of vocations, we cannot do without the example of those who have already said "yes" to God and to his plan for the life of each individual. Personal witness, in the form of concrete existential choices, will encourage young people for their part to make demanding decisions affecting their future." 

"The story of every vocation is almost always intertwined with the testimony of a priest who joyfully lives the gift of himself to his brothers and sisters for the sake of the Kingdom of God."  

 How important it is for us to remember  our faithful priests and religious, living out their vocations in complete fidelity, exemplifying  the priesthood and the religious life  in powerful ways, through which the Lord works, to draw the hearts of young people to Himself.

It is indeed a precious legacy.
And by our constant prayers for them, it's a legacy which we can help priests and religious to pass on.

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